Why You Need Croissants for Certain Earthly Moments

“Un croissant, s’il vous plaît.

Croissants are an essential luxury for certain run-of-the-mill days. “Certain” here would mean different things to different people, but to me, “certain moments” are those times when you need a breather or when you’d like to give yourself a pat on the back for doing quite well in being a wife, a mom, or perhaps an employee. For me, it’s also these moments when I’d want to acknowledge little successes in achieving balance in a life that involves taking care of a home and family, doing ministry, and making ends meet, enduring, yet feeling content, only because of pocketfuls of grace and faith.

So, if you’re like me who looks forward to these “certain” moments like Me Times, it’s important to make the most of the irregular unplanned interludes by looking for a nice place to sit, have coffee, jot thoughts down, and enjoy a croissant or two — savoring every bite.

Croissants by Rebel Bake House PH
Croissants by Rebel Bake House PH
(Photo taken by Kaye Leah Sitchon)

Two Reasons Why Croissants are a Good Idea

#1 Croissant Convos

Croissants have their own personalities. Each flavor becomes a character you find interesting enough to talk with. Depending on your mood, you can have a friendly conversation with a croissant. This may sound crazy, but really, hear me out.

Croissant convos are conversations with yourself and your own thoughts. If you constantly check in on people important to you, why not check in on yourself? Hearing ourselves out or acknowledging what we are feeling and thinking is therapeutic.

Take this Chocolate Croissant with Chocnut spread and Chocnut crumble, for example – it’s nostalgic for those days when you could buy chocnut for a peso. While taking bites of this treat, it can be helpful to remember that childhood friend we had growing up and think about what would your friend say about what you’re going through right now?

This is what I mean about Croissant Convos: they’re supposed to take you back home, where you can talk about anything. These conversations are supposed to be uplifting.

Cross Section: Chocolate Croissant with Chocnut spread and Chocnut Crumble
(Croissant: Rebel Bake House PH / Photo: Kaye Leah Sitchon)

This next one, the Malagos Dark Choco Ganache Rainbow, could be the type of croissant that’d represent your unfulfilled hopes and dreams or those personal goals or journeys you’ve set for yourself. It would be nice to ponder where you’re currently on that to-do list or itinerary and anticipate the options, directions, and roadblocks.

That croissant you’re having with your favorite hot mug of whatever becomes some sort of a life coach. You need to listen. It will make sense; it will be figure-outable with nibbles and little prayers.

Cross Section: Malagos Dark Choco Ganache Rainbow Croissant by Rebel Bake House PH (Photo taken by Kaye Leah Sitchon)

Some croissants represent any woman’s more sophisticated and posh side, like Rebel Baker’s suave flavors: Activated Charcoal with Pistachio Butter or that Valrhona Dulcey Pain Au Chocolat.

Admit it, women have that intrinsic desire to feel good and look good, regardless of occupation or size. This longing isn’t driven by dress sizes, mind you, but rather by the desire to live better, healthy lifestyles so we can watch our kids grow and live a little longer to see their lives unfold. Imagining ourselves being part of our kids’ journeys should be a motivation.

Having a croissant sometimes lets us have a taste of the finer things in life, albeit momentary. The principle “Reward yourself” applies perfectly. We all need to take some time off to enjoy the fruits of our labor, have a croissant with a cup of coffee, and feel like a queen every now and then. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Rebel Bake House PH Croissants (Left to Right): Chocolate Croissant with Chocnut Spread & Chonut Crumble, Ham & Gruyere, Activated Charcoal with Pistachio Butter, Valrhona Dulcey Pain au Chocolat, Malagos Dark Choco Ganache Rainbow, and Butter

In the everyday routine, you can also have surface-level croissant convos to make the daily-ness of life more interesting: the breakfast Ham & Gruyere Croissant or the classic Butter Croissant is all you need for some reassurance – nothing complicated, just that feeling of something safe and constant.

So, whatever your mood, there’s a croissant you can talk with! We’ve established that.

#2 The Art of Appreciation

Learning the Art of Appreciation involves counting your blessings (over a box of croissants! Why not?)

We need to set times within our day to take stock of life and recognize what we have, the people around us, and other tangibles we can call our own. It is but right to acknowledge that everything we have has been given to us and to realize that we need to be good stewards of what we have. Doing so makes us understand what grace really is.

So, the next time you have croissants, find time to be thankful and savor that sentiment with each bite you’ll have. Whether it’s the roof over your head, dishes to wash because you’ve had food to eat, deadlines to meet because you have a job, or helping kids with homework, there is (as many have said) always something to be thankful for.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Inspiration from Rebel Bake House PH

Going out was close to impossible during the pandemic quarantines and lockdowns. And even if you do get a chance, the next problem is deciding where to go. Things have become overly limited. For these reasons, people have become instant pros at finding foodies with whom they relate to food preferences and placing orders online. I’ve become one who scrolls through feeds and timelines in search of nice things to try – like taking strolls and looking for a quaint and welcoming cafe or bakery.
One afternoon, I stumbled upon Rebel Bake House PH and tried their Assortment of 6 of the week. I’m glad I did; each one is a treat you deserve.

I had a chat with one of the owners after saying thanks for the orders they delivered. They were previously called “Epicerie Craquelin” in 2017, but during the pandemic, they rebranded and became Rebel Bakehouse: “a rebellion against the mediocre bread available today. That’s basically it. We just want to #stopbadbread!”

When I read that reply, I said, “I’m a believer! #stopbadbread!”

Bread lovers of Baguio are thankful Rebel Bakehouse set up shop in the city, and we, the locals, get to appreciate the nicer side of life with each croissant they knead and bake, especially for those “certain” earthly moments of our day or week.

Enjoying our very own box of Rebel Bake House PH’s croissants at home!

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